Target & Range Sports

Every Scout wants the chance to do some shooting and show off his skill with a .22 rifle, shotgun, or the bow and arrow. Target & Range Sports will discipline the mind and the body, so just relax and have a great time. Tickets for shotgun and .22 rifle targets must be purchased at the trading post.

Camp Wolfeboro has excellent instructors who are more than willing to go the extra mile to help campers be successful. As with all program areas, the main aspect of the shooting ranges is safety. The rules may seem strict at times, but they ensure a fun, safe area that everyone can enjoy.

All Youth who wish to enter any of the Ranges MUST have a signed Firearms Use Permission Slip.

The Ranges

Special Programs

Troop Shoot—Troop shoots are an hour-long, during the lunch or dinner hour that your troop is not eating. Sign-ups are on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Also, visit the Archery range and try tomahawk and knife throwing!


Sea Scouts




Shooting Sport


Scouting for Food

Order of the Arrow

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