Big Sandy

Welcome to the Big Sandy Campsite.  The Big Sandy Campsite is located on the Tuolumne-side of the North fork of the Stanislaus River.  The campsite is one of the medium-sized campsites at Camp Wolfeboro.

Big Sandy has Little Sandy Campsite to the north and Cliff Campsite to the east. It is also next to the Sourdough Trailhead.  Continental and Mountain Dew are the two closest bathroom facilities, and Continental is the closest shower house.

Like all campsites at Camp Wolfeboro, Big Sandy is equipped with a bulletin board, a flagpole, a heavy-duty bear box, and a kitchen area with running water.

Big Sandy

This is a 360-degree image of the Big Sandy Campsite at Camp Wolfeboro.
Click the image for a 360-d view


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Shooting Sport


Scouting for Food

Order of the Arrow

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